Also in 2011 Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen was attending the fair
to visit potential customers and say hello to already established contacts.

Again in March 2011 ScanTronic was present at the ISH fair in Frankfurt
together with our German partner Messtechnik EHEIM GmbH.

We thanks all of the many visitors that made their way to our boot in hall 10

I december 2010 udstillede ScanTronic for første gang på Agromek.

Vi vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at takke alle de mange der lagde
vejen forbi og så såvel produkterne fra Messtechnik EHEIM GmbH
som vore egne produkter f. eks. Iltmåleren OC 2010 der
nu snart er installeret i 3000 eksemplarer overalt i verden.

Agromek er Scandinaviens største udstillingssted for udstyr til landbrugsehvervet.

Det er derfor også blevet stedet hvor alle der beskæftiger sig med halmkedler og
biogasanlæg mødes en gang om året for at se de seneste nyheder.

Verenum in Switzerland is one of the leading centers for the research
and information distribution in the combustion field.
In 2010 Thomas Nußbaumer again gathered some of the leading developers
to lecture on recent development.

The 17th. of September 2010 ScanTronic was represented by Hans Peter Hansen who joined as an interested observer, keen to learn about the newest knowledge about energy from wood

In April 2010 Hans Peter Hansen was as every year on the Hannover fair as a guest and visited
present and future customers and suppliers.

From Thuesday to Thursday in week 43 of 2009
FJÄRRVÄRME MÄSSAN 2009 in Jönköping had 8.824 visitors.

Scan-Tronic and of our partner-company Kastrup & Genberg AB use the
oportunety to thank for the attention that where shown our part of the event.

May 2009 Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen was attending the fair to visit potential customers and say hello to already established contacts.

In April 2009 Hans Peter Hansen was on the Hannover fair as a guest and visited present and future customers and suppliers.

IBEX-ENTEC was a new way for subsuppliers to get in contact with possible customers.

This concept proved to be a good and efficient way to avoid the costs of the big internatinal fairs.

Year 2009 the agenda was energy and environment

In week 11 2009 ScanTronic was present at the booth of our partner-company Messtechnik Eheim GmbH.

In Woche 11 waren ScanTronic auf der Stand unserer Partnerfirma auf der 2009 Version der ISH Messe in Frankfurt.

From October 27th to 30th Scan-Tronic exhibited at the POLEKO 2008 fair in Poznan, Poland. We were present at the booth Danish Islands arranged by the Danish Embassy.

Verenum in Switzerland is one of the leading centers for the research
and information distribution in the combustion field.
In 2008 Thomas Nußbaumer again gathered some of the leading developers to lecture on recent development.
The 12th of September 2008 ScanTronic was represented by Hans Peter Hansen who joined as an interested observer, keen to learn about the newest development in the laboratories of our present and future customers.

April 2008 Hans Peter Hansen was attending the Hannover fair as a guest and had a good oportunety to vist present and future customers and suppliers

From the 6 th. to the 8 th. of november 2007 ScanTronic was at the district heating fair in Stockholm joining the staff of our distributor in Sweden
Kastrup & Genberg
We presented our latest products for broad palette of potential customers and collegues - comming from as far away as Brazil.

May 2007 Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen was attending the fair to visit potential customers and say hello to already established contacts.

April 2007 Hans Peter Hansen was attending the Hannover fair as gest

March 2007 Hans Peter Hansen was inculding our instruments present on
the boot of our partner-company in Germany Messtechnik Eheim GmbH.

Specially we presented our new CO 2000 instrument for continous Carbonmonoxide measurements on boiler plants and our ODPM 2000 opacity instrument.

Zur ISH 2007 in Frankfurt waren Hans Peter Hansen am Stand unserer Partnerfirma Messtechnik Eheim GmbH mit unseren Produkten vertreten.

Besonders hätten wir dort Gelegenheit unser neues CO 2000 Messgerät (Kohlenstoffmonoxid) zur permanenten Messung an Kesselanlagen zu vorzeigen.
Waren Sie nicht auf diese Messe, dann senden Sie ScanTronic oder Messtechnik Eheim GmbH ein E-Mail und wir werden Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte bei nächster Gelegenheit vorführen.
Das könnte zur Hannover Messe, 16.- 29. April oder Ligna, Hannover, 14. - 20. Mai, sein, wo wir Sie auf Ihrem Stand besuchen können.

Verenum in Switzerland is one of the leading centers for the recearch and information distribution in the combustion field.

Here Thomas Nußbaumer in Oktober every second year gather some of the leading developers to lecture on recent development.

The 20th of Oktober 2006 ScanTronic again was presented by
Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen both as interrested observers, kean to learn about the newest development in the laboratories of our present and future customers.

Klaus Lienbacher und Hans Peter Hansen von ScanTronic danken hiermit den vielen Teilnehmern die wir auf der IHE Messe ansprachen.
Waren Sie nicht auf der Messe dann senden Sie ScanTronic oder Messtechnik Eheim ein E-Mail und wir werden Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte gelegentlich vorführen.

IHE® HolzEnergie 2005
Internationale Fachmesse und Fachkongress für Holzenergie
War 22.-25.09.2005 in Messe Augsburg

Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen from ScanTronic was all four days present at the ÖKO tech fair. We where present in pavilion B at boot 12/E of the Danish embassy.

International Trade Fair for
Environmental Protection and
Municipal Technology
11 - 14 October 2005
HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center
I samarbejde med Alfa-instruments udstillede ScanTronic sine nyeste produkter på HI messen i 2005.

Nåede De ikke at besøge messen så kontakt Alfa Instruments eller ScanTronic for Deres egen forevisning.

HI Industri 2005

Skandinaviens største industrimesse

Foregik 6. - 9. september 2005

ISH 2005 was the first larger exibition where ScanTronic had their own boot

The event was from March 15 th to March 19 th. 2005

Verenum in Switzerland is one of the leading centers for the recearch and information distribution in the combustion field.

Here Thomas Nußbaumer in Oktober every second year gather some of the leading developers to lecture on recent development.

The 15 th. of Oktober 2004 ScanTronic was presented by
Klaus Lienbacher and Hans Peter Hansen - both as interrested observers, kean to learn about the newest development in the laboratories of our present and future customers.

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